Monday, August 03, 2009

We Are Now Home Owners!!!!!

WHAT A HOUSE! That place is amazing. Great choice. I was planning on never visiting, but now I will revise my plans. We're very happy for you all - especially for Israel. So much room to run.
BTW, this still doesn't count as a post. The photos are great, but I remain somewhat disappointed. Until there is some fresh, pithy, witty blogging here, I will remain so.
Oh - funny. The word verification below reads, "reepo."
Wow - congratulations!! I can't think of anyone more who deserves such a great house! Wilmore just isn't the same without yall, but we are happy that you are settling in in MO!
your house looks beautiful. I know you guys will enjoy owning your own home...LOL, Aunt Joy
I agree with Jason, I like the photos, but we need some verbage and of course photos and videos of Israel. Love you, Mom
love your furniture!
Too bad it isn't ours. Well, the couches in living room were thrown in with the deal. So was the little kitchenette set, but other than that it is all gone.

We are doing some painting this weekend and we will be sure to take pictures along the way.
Your mom and I are so put out by this continual picture taking and the general lack of substantial postage. WHERE ARE THE BLOG ENTRIES?! What is going on? Is this a Flickr site or something? Your mom and I have been talking, and we both agree that this is just a bunch of malarkey.
Na na, taki taki, boo boo.
Jason, I don't believe I know you, but I like you. You're very funny! Mrs. C
Congrats on the house, it looks beautiful! What a nice place to finally call home. I'd love to see more of it when you are all settled... like with my own eyes, when we crash your house for a weekend in the near future :)
the paint job turned out great! that sarcasm? I plan on getting comparative pictures up as soon as the house is in order. Hopefully that will be by this weekend.
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